Birmingham Green Party councillors challenge scorched-earth budget

Birmingham Green Party councillors have today called the Labour-run Council’s budget unsafe in response to the release of the detailed Council budget papers.

Green Party Group Leader Councillor Julien Pritchard said:

“The pain that Birmingham and its residents will have to endure is now finally laid bare and the complete lack of transparency for Birmingham residents makes it all the worse. The “consultation” was insulting, and the Labour administration waited until the last possible moment to publish this horrific budget.”

“This budget leaves residents of this city unsafe. It abandons young people and their families, hollows out our communities, and will cause our most forgotten communities to be left even further behind.”

“Not only will this scorched-earth budget cause pain now, but it will harm this city for years to come. Repairing the damage done and reinstating these vital services will cost even more in future, so it’s a completely false economy.”

“And for all of this Birmingham residents will be asked to pay more, for a whole lot less.”

“The Labour-run council has been dealt an awful hand by Tory government cuts, but they have kept on playing it terribly, with horrendous consequences for our city and its residents.”

“Green Party councillors and campaigners will keep on fighting for the vital service our residents and deserve, and work to tackle the consequences of these decisions.”

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