Zoe Challenor for Ladywood

Zoe is standing to be a voice for Ladywood in Westminster: to advocate for decent homes, education, healthcare, and transport, to speak out about the challenges Ladywood faces, to protect its resources like the reservoir, the residents of the Ladywood Estate and more. Zoe is a leader who will take action to protect our planet and your lives, as well as your children’s futures.

Zoe believes that the Green Party’s policies on Universal Basic Income, public transport, free childcare, inclusivity and protecting the planet, are all key to building that better future. Zoe says:

“Growing up in Ladywood, I know first hand that despite being statistically one of the most deprived areas in the UK, Ladywood is in fact rich. Rich in diversity, talent, history, grassroots activity, sports, the arts, education, and much, much more! Ladywood deserves an advocate who will celebrate all it has to offer, while fighting for better, much better, provision for residents.

“The Green Party envisions a better, fairer society. I want to be part of creating that society for Ladywood – it is perfectly possible if enough of us act together. Will you join me?”

Zoe can be contacted on birmingham.ladywood@votegreen.uk.

Birmingham Green Party General Election 2024 homepage.

Birmingham Green Party General Election 2024 crowdfunder

Please help us make sure Zoe is on the ballot paper by contributing to our General Election 2024 crowdfunder. We do not get donations from big business or trade unions and each candidate has to pay a deposit of £500: so in order to make sure every single voter in Birmingham has the opportunity to vote for a Green Party candidate, we need to raise £5,000.

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