As Strikes Escalate, Labour Council says ‘Sort out your own rubbish and recycling’

The latest news on the Labour Council’s Bin Strikes is not good for Birmingham residents. The strikes are getting worse and they will now be taking place 3 days a week for the next two months. 

Because of this, our Labour-run Council is suspending recycling collections, and paid-for bulky waste collections. Instead of that, their advice for residents is to take recycling to the tip themselves.

Green Party councillor Julien Pritchard explains: “The situation is so bad that only grey bins will be collected now. Not even all of those will be done either, because they will be prioritising HMOs, flats and assisted collections.” 

“This isn’t a system; this is a mess. And it’s really not fair to put this on residents. We’ve been pushing the Labour Cabinet Member to sort out collection issues for months. Escalating strikes will mean even dirtier streets.”

Green Party councillors and campaigners across the city will try to keep residents updated on what’s happening as best we can. This web page gives all the latest from the council:

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