Fears Increase Over Maypole Youth Centre as Community Kept in the Dark about TakeOver

Maypole Youth Centre in Druids Heath is earmarked for transfer to a community organisation as part of a transformation of Birmingham City Council’s Youth Services. 

However, a couple of months on from the announcement, there are still no details about who will take it on and when they will start running it.

Green Councillor Julien Pritchard represents the area and has been campaigning to protect Maypole Youth Centre in the face of council cuts. He is worried about what the Youth Service proposals will mean for the Maypole, and questions why the Council have chosen to stop funding for this particular Youth Centre.

At the last Council Meeting, Julien submitted a written question asking for more details about when they would transfer the ownership and who would take it on. Unfortunately, the Council won’t give any more details about either of these matters. 

Julien said:

“We’re being kept in the dark about the future of the Youth Centre. The Labour-run Council told us two months ago that they wanted to transfer Maypole Youth Centre to someone else, but we still have no more details.”

“As usual it feels like Druids Heath is the easy hit for losing services. The regeneration is yet to bring any improvements to the area, and then the Council decided Druids Heath would be one of the places to lose its Council-run Youth Centre.”

“I have pledged to keep on fighting for the young people who rely on this service. We urgently need clarity on this, and there must be cast-iron guarantees that there will still be a Youth Centre in Druids Heath.”

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