Green Party councillors challenge council housing repairs contract award

Green Party Councillors Julien Pritchard & Rob Grant are challenging the award of the Housing Repairs contract to existing housing repairs contractors FORTEM and Equans.

They have submitted a request for the decision to be called in. The request will be heard by the Homes Scrutiny Committee tomorrow (Thursday 25th January 2024). 

The Councillors are requesting the call in because of concerns about the current performance of the housing contractors and the council’s management of the contract.

The Council’s appalling record on housing repairs are well documented. Green Party Councillors have serious concerns that re-appointing existing contractors in this way will make matters worse.

Councillor Rob Grant said:

“I’ve had countless cases of poor housing conditions, poor housing repairs and poor contractor performance for council tenants.”

“The poor condition of the council’s housing stock, and lack of investment by the council over the years, is obviously a big part of the problem. But there are also big issues with how repairs are done and managed and the quality of the repairs.”

“Residents in my ward will not understand why a contractor that’s not been doing the job, is simply given another contract for two years. It’ll be seen by residents as a reward for failure.”

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