Greens call out cuts to libraries and youth centres

The Green Party has responded to rumours that the Council is planning to slash Youth & Library Services in Birmingham.

Green Group Leader Councillor Julien Pritchard said:

“It’s a real kick in the teeth for Brummies that on the day Idris Elba launches his campaign for more investment in youth services, we are hearing rumours that there could be virtually nothing left of ours.”

“I know from the excellent Maypole Youth Centre work does in my ward how vital youth clubs and youth services are. Birmingham’s Youth Services took the brunt of the cuts to council services 10 years ago, the fact that the Labour Administration is even considering another round of cuts to the Youth Service is simply outrageous. Are young people going to be cynically targeted again because they don’t vote?”

“Likewise cuts to Library Services will impact on some of our most vulnerable people and left behind communities in the city.  Libraries provide vital access to learning, advice, and online support.”

“Areas like Druids Heath are already forgotten, without losing what’s left like our Library and Youth Centre.”

“We were promised a values based framework when it came to making decisions to tackle Birmingham’s financial crisis. But what values is the Labour Administration following if it is slashing these services.”

Julien also challenged Birmingham City Council Leader John Cotton on the proposed cuts at the full council meeting this week. See their exchange here:

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