Green Party Responds to appointment of Commissioners to run Birmingham City Council

The government have announced that they are sending in commissioners to run Birmingham City Council in response to the Council’s equal pay and financial crises.

In response Green Party Group Leader Julien Pritchard said:

“Unlike the Council Leader, I find it hard to see the positives in this announcement. Previous government interventions in Birmingham, such as the Kerslake Review, failed to solve the Council’s problems. How can we be sure this is going to be any different?

“One of the biggest issues with Birmingham City Council has been a lack of transparency and accountability and the centralisation of power. It’s not clear how these Government appointed commissioners will be held to account by the people of Birmingham and its elected representatives.

“This is really important. Birmingham Residents shouldn’t be made to pay for this crisis. Nor should the city and its communities suffer a fire sale of public assets at knock-down prices. So it’s crucial Brummies have a say in what happens next. It’s also vital the most vulnerable residents and left-behind communities are protected.

“Birmingham Greens will continue to listen to residents, as well as stand up for our communities from the double whammy of cruelty from Tory austerity cuts and incompetent handling of this crisis by this Labour administration.”

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