Birmingham Greens criticise decision to press ahead with incinerator contract

The Labour Council Cabinet decided today to press ahead with decision to keep incinerator going for another 10-15 years.

This was despite the Sustainability and Transport Scrutiny Committee’s decision to call-in Labour Executive’s original decision, following a challenge by Green Party Councillor Julien Pritchard and Conservative and Liberal Democrat councillors.

Approving the contract means Birmingham City Council will keep burning household rubbish in its incinerator until 2034 or 2039.

Councillor Julien Pritchard said:

“Deciding to keep the incinerator going for another 10-15 years completely flies in the face of the City Council’s climate change declaration to be net zero by 2030.

“By refusing to rethink, the Labour Administration are clearly not listening to concerns, and shown that they are wedded to this polluting and climate trashing, out-of-date and inefficient burner.

“Despite running the Council for over 11 years, the Labour Administration has not seriously looked at alternatives to burning Brum’s waste and only worsened Birmingham’s recycling rates.

“Now that the Labour Administration has ploughed ahead and decided to keep the incinerator, we need to ensure that this is the last incinerator contractor, and Tyseley is turned off in 2034.

“To do this we need a Council waste strategy and plan that improves the city’s shameful recycling rates, increases the number of different materials the Council recycles, reduces the amount of waste produced, and most importantly introduces a food waste collection.

“We need bolder, greener council leadership to make sure this happens.”

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