Green Party calls on Council to go further on zero carbon homes

Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet has today approved a new “Passiv Haus” development to build 55 new zero carbon homes.

Birmingham’s Green Party councillors are now calling on the Labour-run Council to be bolder in their plans and make all their housing developments the same Passiv Haus zero carbon standard.

The Green Party say the Council should be be building all their new properties to the same zero carbon standard.

Green Party Group Leader Councillor Julien Pritchard said:

“The Labour-run Council needs to be much bolder and more creative on zero carbon housing.

“Zero carbon Passiv Haus developments like this are welcome. But the Council should be building all its new homes to the same zero carbon standard. And ideally not on public open space!”

“Cleaner greener homes should not be a one-off pilot project but how the Council does things as standard.”

“Birmingham Green Party wants to see a zero carbon housing plan that:

  • retrofits all council properties to the highest possible energy efficiency standard
  • ensures all new council houses are built to the passivhaus standard
  • supports private renters and homeowners to retrofit their homes

“We need to see change at scale and fast. Doing this at scale will also bring costs down.”

“A variety of funding models exist to make this an affordable and positive for councils, homeowners and tenants alike.”

“Too many residents in Birmingham, like many in my own ward, are having to choose between eating and heating. And the climate emergency can’t wait.”

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