Druids Heath and Monyhull Councillor Slams Lack of Government Levelling Up Funding

Birmingham has not received any funding from the latest round of the Government’s Levelling up Funding. This included rejecting a £20 million bid for funds for Druids Heath.

In response to the news, Julien Pritchard, the Birmingham Green Party Group Leader and Councillor for Druids Heath & Monyhull, said:

“How can the Conservative government claim they’re levelling-up when they’re ignoring areas like Druids Heath?

To be honest, I’m furious that the Government is refusing to give much-needed investment to Druids Heath. Once again we’re being ignored.

Druids Heath has consistently been at the back of the queue for investment for decades. It remains the only estate in Birmingham not to have had any major investment since it was built. This needs to change.

What’s most important is what happens next. The need to invest in Druids Heath hasn’t gone away just because the Government has ignored it.

The Council needs to leave no stone unturned in getting the cash Druids Heath needs and deserves, and works with the community in deciding how it’s spent.

As well as new and improved community facilities and infrastructure, Druids Heath needs improved housing that is decent to live in and the most energy efficient possible.

I will keep doing all I can to get Druids Heath the investment it deserves.”

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